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1. Use rules of inference to draw conclusions given the following sets of premises. State the infe ...
1. Use rules of inference to draw conclusions given the following sets of premises. State the inferences rules you use. (20pts) (a) "If you harvest crops in the fall, then you planted seeds in the spring." "If you do not harvest crops in the fall, then an early frost killed all your crops." "There was no early frost." (b) "If your spacecraft is in geostationary orbit around the Earth, then your spacecraft is above the equator and at an altitude of about 22,200 miles" "Your spacecraft is at an altitude of 5000 miles". (c) "If today is not a weekday, then it is Saturday or Sunday" "It is not a weekday" "It is not Sunday". (d) "If it rains, then I will skip class" "If it is too cold, then I will skip class" "It is always either rainy or cold".