(Solved): 1. The macula densa cells are a group of cells located in the (early distal or late distal) tubule. ...
1. The macula densa cells are a group of cells located in the (early distal or late distal) tubule. These cells detect the amount of (glucose or NaCl ) in the filtrate. When the levels are (high or low), the macula densa cells cause (vasoconstriction or vasodilation) of the (afferent or efferent) arteriole. These cells also cause the juxtaglomerular cells to release (renin or urea) which causes conversion of angiotensin 1 to (angiotensin II or angiotensinogen). This strong vasoconstrictor has an effect on the (afferent or efferent) arteriole causing decreased renal blood flow and
(vasoconstriction or vasodilation) of the (afferent or efferent) arteriole. These cells also cause the juxtaglomerular cells to release (renin or urea) which causes conversion of angiotensin I to (angiotensin II or angiotensinogen). This strong vasoconstrictor has an effect on the (afferent or efferent) arteriole causing decreased renal blood flow and (Increased or decreased) GFR. The effect of arteriole changes on GFR is to (increase or decrease) the speed of the filtrate in the nephron and (increase or decrease) the reabsorption of (glucose or NaCl),6 pts