1. Solve the 1D heat conduction equation without a source term The 1D heat conduction equation wit ...
1. Solve the 1D heat conduction equation without a source term The 1D heat conduction equation without a source term can be written as: dxd?(kdxdT?)=0 Where k is the thermal conductivity, T the temperature and x the spatial coordinate. Using the Finite Volume Method, use this equation to solve for the temperature T in a rod. The rod has a length of I=1.5m, a cross-section area of A=5×10?3m2, the thermal conductivity is k=1200W/Km, and the temperatures at the ends are held constant at 100?C and 600?C, respectively. 2. Solve the 1D heat conduction equation with a source term. The 1D heat conduction equation with a source term can be written as: dxd?(kdxdT?)+q=0 With q being the source term. Using the Finite Volume Method, use this equation to solve for the temperature T across the thickness of a flat plate of thickness L=4cm. The thermal conductivity is k=1.35W/Km, and the temperatures at the two ends are held constant at 100?C and 300?C, respectively. An electric current creates a constant heat source of q=1300kW/m B. Solve the 1D convection-diffusion problem The 1D convection-diffusion problem can be written as: dxd?(?u?)=dxd?(?dxd??) With ? the property that is being transported, u the convection speed, ? the diffusivity and ? the density. The length of the domain is 1.0m, the density is 1.0kg/m3, the diffusivity 0.1kg/ms. Determine the distribution of ? for the following cases. i. u=0.1m/s using 5 cells ii. u=2.5m/s using 5 cells. iii. t=2.5m/s using 20 cells For all above 3 questions, please provide workouts and MatLab codes The MatLab code(s) (eg. myFVM.m)