Home / Expert Answers / Electrical Engineering / 1-show-that-a-square-wave-with-unit-amplitude-and-frequency-refer-to-the-fi-pa122

(Solved): 1. Show that a square wave with unit amplitude and frequency (refer to the fi ...

1. Show that a square wave with unit amplitude and frequency (refer to the figure below) can be approximated by the following???????

1. Show that a square wave with unit amplitude and frequency (refer to the figure below) can be approximated by the following Fourier series expression: \[ x(t)=\frac{4}{\pi} \sum_{\substack{k=1 \\ \text { kis odd })}}^{\infty} \frac{1}{k} \sin (2 \pi k t) \] DO THIS using the exponential Fourier Series to derive \( X[k] \) and then converting to the compact trigonometric form. 2. What is the average power of this signal?

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A step-by-step and detailed explanation is given below to find the complex fourier coefficients of the given squar
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