1. Analysis of a Synchronous Sequential Circuit (a) Analyse the synchronous sequential circuit of ...
1. Analysis of a Synchronous Sequential Circuit (a) Analyse the synchronous sequential circuit of Fig. 1 by providing the state table and the finite state machine (FSM) diagram. (b) Build this circuit in Logisim, connect a clock of frequency 1 Hz to the flip flops, connect two LEDs to the states of the flip flops and one LED to output y and show that the system goes through the states of the formed table with the corresponding output. X A KR Q A B D B' KR Figure 1: A synchronous sequential circuit 2. Design of a Synchronous Sequential Circuit: (a) A synchronous sequential circuit is to be designed that detects the overlapping patern '1001' in an input string. (b) Draw the FSM diagram for this circuit. 1 Y
(c) Draw the state transition table using T flip flops. (d) Work out input equations to T flip flops. (e) Build the circuit in Logisim by connecting a clock and show that it works by providing an arbitrary overlapping input such as '110010010¹ and clock. The output should be 1 after receiving the 5th bit and 8th bit from left (the left most bit is the first bit received). 3. Deliverables: • State Transition Table and FSM diagram for the first part • FSM Diagram, State Transition Table and the logic circuit (drawing is fine)