1. (27 Points) Chelsea inherited an 80 -acre farm in east Texas. She decided to quit her job and continue the existing cattle operation. Her previous salary was $68,000 a year. When she sold the calves, she earned $1250 per head sold for a total of $106,250 in revenue from cattle sales. In addition to that, she was able crop share hay production on the pastures in the summer for another $8,000 in sales. Her yearly expenses include vet expense of $4,500, truck payment of $8,340.50, utility expenses of $7,200, day help labor expense of $1,800, fuel of $5,500, mineral expense of $8,000 and her own draw of a salary of $50,000. Had she decided to rent the farm out to an independent operator, she could have charged a monthly rent of $5,500. Label each line for the description in the left column with the amount in the right column; be sure to include the opportunity costs.