Home / Expert Answers / Computer Science / 1-25-lab-warm-up-variables-input-and-type-conversion-eutput-thase-faurvalues-an-a-singla-lie-pa924

(Solved): 1.25 LAB: Warm up: Variables, input, and type conversion eutput thase faurvalues an a singla lie ...

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1.25 LAB: Warm up: Variables, input, and type conversion eutput thase faurvalues an a singla li?e separated by a s,aed. (Sustit for 2 points). the naxt line, but suah velues dont natually appare as autput whan the progrim rung. Entex 1nteyax gs Entex Haat: a.77 Entex aharantex: m Entex atstng: Handy gg Handy Entax 1atayax es Entax Alat: 3.77 Entex oharacter: Entex atring: Hovidy es Handy (2) Extend to also autput in rwvere. (Gugmit for 1 peints se 3 peinte tetal]. Entax 1atayax es Enter Aant: 3.77 Enter oharanter: Entex atring: Howny s9 3.77 = Houny HAordy tetin. Entex Entar Hant: 3.77 Enter aharacter: Entex atring Hovng ss Houndy Havdy s. sg aonvartad to a ahasaataz 1 a LAB \begin{tabular}{l|l} Lan \\ MCTIVTY & 1.25 .1 : LLB: Warm uQc Varibles, input, and typa eotvarsign \end{tabular} main.py Lood default template 1 user_int = int (input("Enter Integer 3 \# FIXME (1): Finlsh neding other ltess knto warkables, thon butput the four walass on a single Line separeted by a sp 5 = FIXNE : Output the four values in ceverse 3 \# FIXVE (3): Corvert the ioteger to a charwcter, and eutput that charucterf input valuss in the first bex, than gliet, Run program and o saeve the programs eutput in the sec0?d bxx.

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